How to Fight a Drug Trafficking Charge in Nebraska?

With the growing industry of controlled substance distribution setting up shop in spots all over Nebraska, it is easier than ever to get swept up in the world of trafficking, leaving you to wonder how to fight a drug trafficking charge in Nebraska.

Fortunately, you are not alone, and there are strategic moves you can make to combat drug trafficking charges. The first step you should take is to hire a Nebraskan drug trafficking criminal defense lawyer. It is wise to do this right away, as having legal representation can protect you from easy missteps that could be misconstrued by law enforcement and the court.

You will want a defense lawyer regardless of whether or not you are innocent, as you have a right to counsel. It is also wise to familiarize yourself with Nebraskan drug laws and defenses against drug trafficking charges. You can never be too prepared or too equipped.

how to fight a drug trafficking charge in nebraska

How Bad is Drug Trafficking in Nebraska?

In Nebraska, Interstate 80 is not only a highway but also a drug trafficking thoroughfare. Drug trafficking has grown in prevalence in Nebraskan crime, with methamphetamine leading the charge.

Nebraska, like much of the United States, prohibits the creation, smuggling, trafficking, and dispensing of controlled substances, as well as the use of said substances. Local and federal law enforcement have been working together to try to stop the rise of drug trafficking.

In January 2024, roughly 30 individuals suspected of drug trafficking were arrested in a particularly large sting operation. Most recently, in February 2025, 1110 pounds of meth and 85 pounds of marijuana were seized in North Platt. Needless to say, Nebraska is making big moves to prevent the spread of drugs within and outside of the state.

What Types of Defenses Can Be Used Against Drug Trafficking Charges?

Nebraskan law takes drug trafficking seriously, and the potential penalties reflect this. There are, however, defensive strategies you can try using in court. Here are a few examples:

  • Questioning the legality of law enforcement’s methods. Did they have a warrant to search your house? Were the locations they searched and the items they took included in said warrant? Did they have a legally justified reason to pull you over and/or search your vehicle?
  • Asking how they determined the drugs were yours. How do they know you weren’t unaware of their presence or they were planted by someone else?
  • Determine if they can prove intent for distribution. It is a possibility that you possess the drugs for personal use, and if they cannot prove you have or were going to distribute them, their case is weakened.
  • Question the chain of custody. Are those even the drugs they found on your property, or did they get mixed up at the police department?
  • Question whether or not they’re even drugs. Did law enforcement even test what they found?

These are all examples of questions and methods a skilled criminal defense lawyer would know to implement. Not only can they explain the legal process to you, but they can also plant doubt in the minds of others along the way.

Why Do I Need a Drug Trafficking Lawyer?

In the state of Nebraska, drug trafficking is considered a Class II felony, and according to Nebraska Revised Statute §28-105, this means that – if convicted – you could be required to serve from one to 50 years in prison. There is a lot at stake, and it all hinges on having a compelling case.

While you are legally allowed to defend yourself in the state of Nebraska, you will most likely benefit more from hiring a drug trafficking lawyer. Not only will your lawyer know what strategies to implement in the courtroom, they can protect you from start to finish, helping you in the pursuit of your preferred outcomes.

You have a right to a fair trial, and a smart lawyer can help protect you, as well as assist you with building a case and providing you with peace of mind. Whether you are innocent or guilty, you deserve to present your story to the court and defend yourself. Hiring legal representation can help with this.

Drug Trafficking FAQs

Q: Can a Drug Trafficking Case Be Dismissed in Nebraska?

A: In the state of Nebraska, if the prosecution does not have enough evidence to prove an individual’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, the case will most likely be dismissed. This is one of the reasons that having a compelling and insightful defense lawyer can greatly benefit you, as they may be able to refute the evidence presented before the court, as well as grow reasonable doubt.

Q: Is Drug Trafficking Hard to Prove?

A: While it can be easy to prove that someone is in possession of a controlled substance, it can be difficult to prove that they are trafficking the substance in addition to possessing it. This is where other evidence comes into play. Law enforcement may try to establish a timeline and overarching understanding of your past whereabouts, but this does not always mean they can prove you are trafficking the drugs you possess.

Q: How Can I Get My Drug Trafficking Charges Reduced in Nebraska?

A: In the state of Nebraska, hiring a local criminal defense lawyer can be a huge asset when trying to get your drug trafficking charges reduced. Your lawyer will be able to help you strategize and will be there to negotiate on your behalf regarding your charges and the evidence allowed to be used for and against you.

Q: What Evidence Is Needed For a Drug Conviction?

A: While each drug case is different, most evidence is collected in the defendant’s home, vehicle, storage locations, and more. Law enforcement will be looking for drugs, weapons, drug paraphernalia, and/or large amounts of cash. They may also collect any photographs, videos, notes, emails, and texts related to the potential creation, distribution, or sales of drugs.

Related Blog: Criminal Defense Lawyer Cost in Nebraska

Get Representation Today

While it can be overwhelming and intimidating to face drug trafficking charges, there are lawyers ready to help you. The Sopinski Law Office is prepared to help you prepare and present your case, advocating on your behalf and helping you in your pursuit of the most ideal outcome. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.


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